About Shavora    -   Born 9/27/07
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Shavora (acquired from Solace Shilohs on 11/23/2007) is a gray sable, 27 inches and 75 lbs at 16 months. Her coat is on the plush side. She is our high energy girl and extremely intelligent. She has learned new tricks in as little as 5 minutes. With constant practice she retains them. Shavora did well with her Temperament Testing. Through all the training and socializing, she has developed a confidence in herself and trust in her owners.

Other attributes Shavora has displayed is a high-prey/high-play drive offset with a soft mouth. We had goats and she wanted to herd them from the other side of their fence. But she listened to our commands to stop or come regardless of that prey drive. That came in handy when the goats or chickens got out into Shavora's side of the fence at times.

Temperament testing

She also follows our cat around and licks him, sometimes gently mouthing him. Often the cat comes and rubs up against Shavora for some of this attention, so you know he is not threatened by her.

Shavora loves the winter snow on our 2 1/2 acres at the 1200ft level of Chehalem Mountain. On a hot summer day she loves to lounge in the kiddy pool to cool off.

One unique thing Shavora does that I have never seen another dog do: she looks up at the stars at night, seemingly appreciating them.

We have devoted an entire website to Shavora to document her growth and progress in our family. (Click the Shavora Web button below.)

Shavora in pool
Shavora's Web
Shavora's Parents
Shavora Photos by Veleda
Shavora sleeping